Hair Growth Dietary Supplement

Product: Hair Growth Dietary Supplement

Hair Growth Dietary Supplement

Since true beauty comes from within, we offer Hair Growth dietary supplement to nourish your hair from the inside out. Our proprietary formula helps to stop hair loss and promotes regrowth of healthy and beautiful hair.

You’ll enjoy visible results after only one month of continuous use. And the extra bonus is skin regeneration, improved complexion and stronger nails.

60.00 $

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Hair Growth Dietary Supplement

Vitamin 120 capsules (enough for two months). Since true beauty comes from within, we offer Hair Growth Dietary Supplement to nourish your hair from the inside out.

There’s actually a lot to the old saying “you are what you eat”, especially when it comes to hair health. Hair loss or thinning has many different causes, such as stress, hormonal imbalance, environmental factors such as dry weather, over-processing such as perms, professional straightening or coloring, and don’t forget genetics. But the main cause is usually nutrient deficiencies, either because of malnutrition, eating disorders or the simple fact of aging, which may cause hormonal changes and deficiencies of some vital vitamins and minerals. But don’t despair – we provide a safe, effective solution for you!

Why SIGGAL Hair Growth formula? fghfhh

SIGGAL offers a unique Hair Growth Dietary Supplement to fill those common nutrient gaps. No, we don’t have a magic formula, but rather the right and exact combination of super beneficial ingredients, which help reduce hair loss and promote regrowth of healthy and beautiful hair.

You’ll enjoy visible and long-lasting results after one month of continuous use. Only 2 capsules per day and your hair will look healthier, thicker, shinier, and stronger. And guess what? With SIG GAL Hair Growth Dietary Supplement, you get extra bonus: skin regeneration, improved complexion and stronger nails!

Highlighted Ingredients

Specially made for superior absorption, our Hair Growth Dietary Supplement is made with essential vitamins and minerals derived from natural sources, to restore your hair’s natural beauty.


Also known as the “black gold”, Mumio is a blackish-brown powder or an exudate from high mountain rocks. This rich organic-mineral complex of predominantly natural biological origin, has been used for more than a thousand years in traditional medicine as a remedy with rejuvenation and cell growth stimulatory effects. This “super” powder contains more than 85 essential minerals and trace elements suitable for humans, such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, to name a few, as well as vitamins of groups A, B, C and P (bioflavonoids), and also amino acids, and much more.

Goji Berry

These red fruits are packed with important nutrients and antioxidants, and have long been used in traditional medicine due to their powerful medicinal properties.   Goji berries are excellent to boost your hair health. Goji berries are rich in fiber, iron, and vitamins A, C and zinc, that benefit the scalp and encourage hair growth.

Saw Palmetto

This shrub-sized plant grows within the Southeast United States. The saw palmetto features small berries, which have been used historically as an alternative herbal remedy by Native Americans in both medicine and food.
Saw palmetto is believed to support hair and scalp health due to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to block DHT, a leading cause of hair loss.


The use of Horsetail as a medical herb, dates back to the times of the Greeks and the Romans. It contains high levels of silica (or silicon dioxide), which contains silicic acid, shown to increase the tensile strength and thickness of hair and nails and reduce brittleness. Horsetail plant is also known to improve blood circulation which leads to healthier hair follicles.


Nettle is one of the oldest recorded remedies used for treating and preventing hair loss. This is primarily due to the high amount of sulphur and silica, which improve hair health by boosting blood flow, hence strengthening the hair shaft. Also, Nettle is rich in essential vitamins, that can benefit hair health, including Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, along with minerals such as folate, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and manganese. Due to its abundant antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamin C content, nettle leaf may reduce hair loss and add luster to your locks by helping protect against free radicals.

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